Thursday, July 10, 2008

Diablo III: Gothic or Pretty?

OK so it's coming and everybody knows it now. But is everyone happy with how this looks?

I don't how many of you knew this but there was a petition going around on the web that Blizzard should change the graphics to be more dark and Gothic. They complain that the graphics look to much like Warcraft. OK, sure it doesn't like like Diablo II, but is it supposed too? if you want a game that looks and plays just like Diablo II then just play Diablo II. Diablo III looks "PRETTY". All we saw in the trailer was a couple of environments and for all we know when you get down into the dark dungeons the game will look "dark and Gothic". I think that Blizzard knows whats best for their own game and I for one am happy with the pics I've seen of it so far.

Oh and while I'm talking Diablo, did i mention I like the isometric style? I can't tell ya how happy I was to see a next gen game use this style. The last game to use this style that I know of was........well Diablo II.

So i'll be buying and playing this one when it comes out (knowing Blizzard that will be in 20 years)

Game on people!

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