Wednesday, July 23, 2008

KOTOR MMO: Can Bioware compete with Blizzard?

OK, I'm gonna assume that you know the great games that these companies have made. I am not aware of either if these guys making a flop.
On the Blizzard side we have Diablo, Warcraft, and WoW.
And Bioware has Baldur's Gate, Mass Effect and KOTOR.

So as far as making good games goes Bioware has the stuff to compete.

I just wanna make this point here. Most hard-core RPG fans have played Diablo AND a Baldur's Gate Game . It is possible for both companies to share the market with RPGs. So the competition isn't so bad.

Now with MMOs most people don't play multiple ones at a time and if they do one will get much more attention then the other. MMOs are more then just "Is it a good game that I should play?" it's more like "Is this a game that I want to spend 30+ hours a week playing for the next 3 years?". MMOs are more then just pretty graphics and game mechanics.

MMOs are about 3 C's:

CREATION: People want to create their own character and become part of the world their in. If your spend 300 hours playing the same toon you want to feel like its yours. You want to be unique (just like everyone else).

COMMUNITY: Players want to be able to play with others. If the game doesn't allow or inter grate easy grouping and guild functions it's shooting itself in the foot. An MMO needs to feel alive. I started playing MMOs with SWG and I actually liked the game pre-NGE. But when that game overhaul came out everyone left the game. I was the only one left in my guild. I had no reason to play the game anymore. The world was empty. Any new MMO is gonna have a hard time competing with the feel of Stormwind on a busy night.

CONTENT: So you've got you character to the max level, now what? If people are gonna keep playing the game it needs to have content (good content) continuously coming out for it. This means that it needs new quests, dungeons, races classes, and other random things from time to time.

With all that said if a gaming company can compete with Blizzard in this market I have to say Bioware is the company to do it.

Keep on ninja looting people!

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