Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Fable 5! coming in 2017! Get your XBox 1200s ready to go!

Is it just me or does planing a part 5 of a game to be released in 10 years a little over planned? If you wanna know the story read it over at Joystiq.

So they are planning to do more Fable games which is a good thing. I loved Fable and I am excited about Fable 2. I can see them starting on Fable 3 already. It's reasonable to say that they'll have enough success with Fable 2 to make another game and release it on a current platform. I just fail to see how you can start planing a game that's release date is in 10 years.

Why do I see a problem with planning Fable 5? Well for starters what if Fable 2 is a bomb? What if Lionhead goes belly up like the Hellgate guys? What if games are so different in 10 years the fable games aren't even doable? What if the next gen consoles are sooooo advantaged no one even wants to play something like Fable? How do we even know anyone will even care about RPGs in 10 years? What if Microsoft goes bankrupt? (along with Wal-Mart and McDonald's)

OK so maybe I'm just going overboard but I still think it's a little bizarre for them to come out and announce this.

Maybe it's just because I was hoping for a Fable Online.......

Keep on getting haircuts to make people like you!

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